Askeb imunisasi bcg dan polio 1 pdf

Sejak anak baru lahir atau berumur beberapa hari, sebanyak 4 kali pemberian dengan dosis 2 tetes dengan jarak pemberian 4 minggu. A healthcare lobby group is arguing for the destruction of 3. Ibu tahu efek samping dan hasil dari pemberian imunisasi bcg. Doc soap imunisasi dpt ii polio iii suci apriliyana. What led to the nigerian boycott of the polio vaccination. Dewasa ini angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi dan anak anak cukup tinggi akibat serangan menular. Dec 05, 2012 the polio vaccination campaign is a response to what the who declared is a global emergency, but routine vaccination has to be a part of normal life. Although the rate is lower than in previous years, the situation remains alarming. Target diseases all member states of who agreed in 1988 to eradicate polio, and who aims to certify the world as free of the disease by 2005. We conducted a mixed methods study in highrisk areas of pakistan to identify knowledge, attitudes, and practices of target populations about polio vaccine and its eradication, and.

Aug 06, 2014 a few years ago, northern nigeria was a global epicenter of polio transmission, but a program that mobilized local muslim clerics, who were once opposed to immunization and are now advocates for. Message of the who regional director for africa, dr matshidiso moeti, on world polio day, 24 october 2017. Dewasa ini angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi dan anakanak cukup tinggi akibat serangan menular, padahal penyakitpenyakit ini dapat dicegah dengan pemberian imunisasi maka bayi mendapat kekebalan ini dengan daya tahan tubuh meningkat. Polio survivors strive for a poliofree nigeria unicef. Polio vaccination in nigeria a series of unfortunate events. At the 1983 conference, the organization was charged with encouraging the formation of local support groups and the current postpolio directory includes those groups, too. Polio field census and vaccination of underserved populations. Aug 20, 2012 victory against polio is within reach august 20, 2012 by jay winsten and emily serazin earlier this year, the world health organization removed india from the list of polio endemic countries, a victory that involved 2. There are four core strategies to stop transmission of the wild poliovirus and certify all who regions poliofree by the end of 2005 page 15.

May 01, 2016 revised householdbased microplanning was conducted in 2 phases for effective supervision. E ibu berusaha kembali pada hari yang telah ditentukan. Y umur 2 bulan dengan imunisasi dpthb 1 dan polio 2 di bps ny. There are four core strategies to stop transmission of the wild poliovirus and certify all. Umur 1 bulan dengan imunisasi bcg di bpm minarti, amd. Strengthening the partnership between routine immunization. Polio eradication and routine epi communication handbook for polio eradication and routine epi unicef united nations childrens fund 3 united nations plaza new york, ny 10017 u. The polio data management team in the who african region was established at the same period with acute flaccid paralysis afp case based surveillance in 1997. Dalam melakukan pengkajian perlu diperlukan adanya ketelitian, kepekaan dan diperlukan peran ibu sebagi orang tua sehingga diperoleh data yang menunjang untuk menerangkan diagnosa kebidanan. Setelah 12 minggu akan timbul indurasi dan kemerahan ditempat suntikan yang. Askeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb imunisasi polioaskeb im.

Information on this website is available in alternative formats upon request. Askeb imunisasi bcg scribd baca buku, buku audio, dan. We conducted a mixed methods study in highrisk areas of pakistan to identify knowledge, attitudes, and practices of target populations about polio vaccine and its eradication, and to. Communication handbook for polio eradication and routine epi. Menganjurkan ibu untuk kembali 1 bulan lagi 28 juni 2011 untuk imunisasi dpt combo 3 dan polio 4. Whoafro world health organization regional office for africa parirenyatwa hospital mazoe street p.

It was africas only remaining polioendemic country, and the number of confirmed new wild poliovirus cases was increasing, eventually reaching 122 that year. Jan 11, 2017 pakistan and afghanistan remain the only countries where polio is endemic, and pakistan reports the most cases in the world. Ibu mengatakan bayinya sudah mendapatkan imunisasi bcg ku. Gambaran pemberian imunisasi dasar pada bayi usia 012. Pakistan and afghanistan remain the only countries where polio is endemic, and pakistan reports the most cases in the world. Sedangkan target uci 808080 merupakan tujuan antara intermediate goal berarti cakupan imunisasi untuk bcg, dpt, polio, campak dan hepatitis b, harus mencapai 80% baik di tingkat nasional, propinsi, kabupaten bahkan di setiap desa ismael, 2001.

Memberitahu ibu efek samping dari imunisasi bcg, yaitu panas setelah imunisasi dan akan hilang 1 2 hari dan rasa sakit diarea suntikan yang sedikit kemerahan dan bengkak. Menurut data yang didapat dari direktorat jenderal pengendalian penyakit dan penyehatan lingkungan departemen kesehatan indonesia, pada tanggal 27 mei 2011 menunjukkan angka cakupan imunisasi di tahun 2010 adalah campak 89,5%, dtp3 90,4%, polio 4 87,4%, dan hepatitis b3 mencapai 91%. Klien berusia 7 hari dibawa oleh ibunya ke poliklinik anak rumah sakit dustira untuk di imunisasi bcg dan polio dan imunisasi ini merupakan imunisasi yang pertama untuk klien. Askeb anak sehat dengan imunisasi bcg dan polio i scribd. Memberitahukan rencana imunisasi berikutnya yaitu usia 2 bulan imunisasi hb combo 1 dan polio 1 3. Revised householdbased microplanning was conducted in 2 phases for effective supervision. Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is caused by one of three poliovirus pv serotypes belonging to the picornaviridae family. New strategies for the elimination of polio from india article pdf available in science 3145802. Over the last three decades, the world has made incredible progress toward eradication. Memberikan suntikan imunisasi bcg dan polio 1, imunisasi bcg 0,05 cc melalui ic intrakutan pada lengan kanan, imunisasi polio sebanyak 2 tetes 0,01 cc melalui oral, vaksin bcg dan polio 1 diberikan sesuai prosedur 7.

Polio survivors strive for a poliofree nigeria youtube. Dalam teori disebutkan pemberian pmberian vaksin dpt dengan dosis 0,5 cc dan disuntikkan pada 1 3 bagian atas paha kiri serta pemberian vaksin polio dengan dosis 2 tetes dan langkah ini telah dilakukan dalam praktek. Dosis 0,05 cc untuk bayi dan 0, 1 cc untuk anak dan orang dewasa. This team was initially recruited for polio related data management activities mainly afp surveillance, polio laboratory and polio supplemental immunization activities sias. Asuhan kebidanan pada bayi n umur 3mg dengan imunisasi bcg. Revised householdbased microplanning in polio supplemental. Memberikan kie tentang manfaat dari imunsasi bcg dan polio 1, ibu mengerti 8.

Some had heard that the attenuated live vaccine used in the opv could actually cause polio and some knew that inactivated polio vaccine ipv was being used in the west. Knowledge and perceptions of polio and polio immunization in. From this census information, they also documented over 1 million children amongst whom 63,000 had never been previously immunized against polio and they discovered evidence of prior polio transmission through the detection of 216 cases of acute flaccid paralysis a surveillance indicator used to determine where polio has spread. Imunisasi bcg tidak menyebabkan reaksi yang bersifat umum seperti deman. Pdf new strategies for the elimination of polio from india. Asuhan kebidanan bayi sehat dengan imunisasi bcg dan dpt di. Nigeria achieved interruption of wild polio virus transmission with no confirmed wild polio virus wpv in 2015 compared to 6. In 2012, the world health assembly declared completion of polio eradication a public health emergency 1,2.

In this article, i look at the controversy surrounding the immunization program against polio in nigeria, in which three states in northern nigeria in 2003 boycotted the polio immunization campaign. Baik bayi menangis terlihat bekas suntikan pada daerah lengan kanan atas tercatat di kms a. Makalah imunisasi bcg askeb neonatus, bayi, balita, dan anak. Assessment of the reasons for oral poliovirus vaccine. The polio vaccination campaign is a response to what the who declared is a global emergency, but routine vaccination has to be a part of normal life. Victory against polio is within reach august 20, 2012 by jay winsten and emily serazin earlier this year, the world health organization removed india from the list of polioendemic countries, a victory that involved 2. Revised householdbased microplanning in polio supplemental immunization activities in kano state, nigeria.

Bayi telah mendapatkan imunisasi bcg dosis 0,05 ml, di lengan kanan daerah 1 3 lengan atau methomuskulus deltideus 5. Mempersiapkan imunisasi bcg dan melakukan imunisasi dengan memberikan vaksin bcg 0,5 ml yang diinjeksikan secara intracutan ic di 1 3 lengan atas 6. Polio eradication initiative contribution in strengthening. In 2018, there were just 33 reported from two afghanistan and pakistan. Asuhan kebidanan pada bayi k usia 11 hari dengan imunisasi bcg dan polio 1 di ruang kia puskesmas kupang kecamatan jetis mojokerto oleh. Dengan diberikan imunisasi ini berarti mendapat kekebalan. Vaccination is a crucial tool for preventing and controlling disease, but its use has been plagued by controversies worldwide. Imunisasi wajib terdiri atas imunisasi rutin, tambahan dan khusus kemenkes ri, 20. Campaign to vaccinate 53 million against polio duration. An inactivated polio vaccine, developed a few years later by jonas salk, came into use in 1955. Melakukan pemberian imunisasi bcg pada bayi, ibu mengetahui dan bersedia bila anaknya di imunisasi. Imunisasi bcg dilakukan pada bayi usia 02 bulan, akan tetapi biasanya.

Only 4 lgas account for 27% of the cases and 11 lgas account for 48% of the cases. Polio field census and vaccination of underserved populations northern nigeria, 201220. A few years ago, northern nigeria was a global epicenter of polio transmission, but a program that mobilized local muslim clerics, who were once. Postpolio health internationals postpolio directory 2020. Orang tua klien ibunya membawa klien untuk mendapatkan imunisasi bcg dan polio. Keb mentoro sumobito jombang, dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Melaksanakan pengkajian data pada bayi dengan imunisasi bcg. Bagaimana memberikan asuhan kebidanan pada neonatus m. Perspectives on polio and immunization in northern nigeria. Soap imunisasi bcg dan polio 1 linkedin slideshare. Makalah imunisasi bcg askeb neonatus, bayi, balita, dan. May 21, 2015 polio has been eliminated from almost every country in the world, but nigeria is still one of three remaining polio endemic countries that has yet to get rid of the disease. Di indonesia program imunisasi sudah terorganisasi sejak tahun 1956 yang dilaksanakan di pulau jawa untuk mencegah penyakit cacar. Sep 09, 2014 klien berusia 7 hari dibawa oleh ibunya ke poliklinik anak rumah sakit dustira untuk di imunisasi bcg dan polio dan imunisasi ini merupakan imunisasi yang pertama untuk klien.

Since the launch of the global polio eradication initiative gpei by the world health assembly wha in 1988, the number of polioendemic countries decreased from 125 to 3 nigeria, afghanistan, and pakistan, and polio was eradicated from 4 world health organization who regions pan american health organization, who regional office for europe, southeast asia regional office. Aug 06, 20 polio survivors strive for a poliofree nigeria unicef. Imunisasi dasar lengkap pada bayi meliputi bcg 1 kali, dpt 3 kali, polio. Sehingga perlu dilakukannya asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif. Umur jenis imunisasi 07 hari hb 0 1 bulan bcg, polio 1 2 bulan dpthb 1, polio 2 3 bulan dpthb 2, polio 3 4 bulan dpthb 3, polio 4 9 bulan campak. However, wild poliovirus wpv transmission remains endemic in three countries afghanistan, nigeria, and pakistan 24. In 1988, there were 350 000 annual cases of wild polio from 125 countries. Dalam intervensi dan omplementasi langkah pemberian vaksin baik dpt combo dan polio tidak terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek. It is on the world health organizations list of essential medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. It is a highly contagious illness transmitted by close person to person contact, mainly through the oralfecal route an infected person who does not practice proper hand or body hygiene passes the infection to another person. Indeed, nigeria was considered the worst performing of all polioendemic countries, with a majority of new cases throughout the world. Context of polio eradication efforts in 2016 looking towards certification of polio 2015 was a historic year for nigerias polio eradication programme.

Mar 20, 2007 vaccination is a crucial tool for preventing and controlling disease, but its use has been plagued by controversies worldwide. Keluhan utama klien berusia 7 hari dibawa oleh ibunya ke poliklinik anak rumah sakit dustira untuk di imunisasi bcg dan polio dan imunisasi ini merupakan imunisasi yang pertama untuk klien. Asuhan kebidanan pada bayi k usia 11 hari dengan imunisasi bcg dan polio 1 stikes bina sehat ppni mojokerto 2014 asuhan. A different, oral polio vaccine was developed by albert sabin and came into commercial use in 1961. Polio has been eliminated from almost every country in the world, but nigeria is still one of three remaining polio endemic countries that has yet to get rid of the disease. In 20 provisionally as of 11 march 2014, nigeria contributed. Nigeria achieved interruption of wild polio virus transmission with no confirmed wild polio virus wpv in 2015 compared to 6 cases in 2 states kano and yobe in 2014. Cara pemberian dan dosis vaksin bcg merupakan bakteri tuberculosis bacillus yang telah dilemahkan. Phase 1 involved 19 lgas in the southern part of the state where there was an ongoing polio outbreak at the time september 20, and phase 2 involved the remaining 25 lgas from the central and northern parts of the state. Nov 01, 2014 since the launch of the global polio eradication initiative gpei by the world health assembly wha in 1988, the number of polio endemic countries decreased from 125 to 3 nigeria, afghanistan, and pakistan, and polio was eradicated from 4 world health organization who regions pan american health organization, who regional office for europe, southeast asia regional office, and. Unduh sebagai doc, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Sebelum disuntikan, vaksin bcg harus dilarutkan terlebih dahulu. Aug 24, 2016 11 bcg, polio 1 1 bulan dpthbhib 1, polio 2 2 bulan dpthbhib 2, polio 3 3 bulan dpthbhib 3, polio 4, ipv 4 bulan campak 9 bulan dpt, hb, hib booster 18 bulan campak booster 24 bulan sumber. Muslim clerics in nigeria advocate for polio vaccination and.

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